How to delete members in a Workspace

If you're an Admin, you can individually delete members of your Workspace, which will ensure they will no longer have access to the content in the Workspace through your Workspace settings. 

Here's how to permanently delete a user from your Workspace: 

1. You'll first need to deactivate the user you'd like to remove from your workspace. You can do this by navigating to the Members tab in your Workspace settings and checking off the user wants to deactivate. 

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2. After you have deactivated the desired workspace member, you will then need to filter to Deactivaed users in the Workspace Members tab. 
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3. From here, you'll want to check off the user you wish to remove. You should see the option to either re-activate their account or permanently delete it. Select Permanently delete profile.
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4. You should then be taken into a confirmation flow. You can choose to either keep or delete content they have Shared to an Open Space
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5. To complete the process, enter the email address of the member you wish to delete to confirm the action, then select "Permanently Delete Profile."

Before you choose to keep or delete content please review the information below:

For All Plans:

  • Shared content is only videos the workspace member has added to an Open Space. Shared content does NOT include videos added to Closed Spaces, videos shared with specific people, or embedded videos. You can see the videos added to an Open space here.

For Starter, Business and Business+ AI plans:

  • All content a user has created but not shared with an open Space will be automatically deleted (videos cannot be recovered).
  • Admins cannot access or move content not shared to an open space without explicit consent from the video owner. 
  • Admins who choose to keep all shared content; will have all the shared videos remain in the workspace, and video ownership will be transferred over to the Admin who removed the Workspace member.

For Enterprise plans:

  • Admins do have the option to transfer content that is not shared with an Open Space to themselves.
  • If an Enterprise admin chooses to keep unshared content, those videos will be transferred to a private folder owned by the Admin who removed the Workspace member. When the transfer completes, the deleted user's content displays in the Admin's Video Library under a folder titled "[Deleted User's Email] - [Deleted User's Name]'s content".

3. Type the member's email to confirm before clicking Permanently delete profile. If you return to your Members tab, you'll see that the user is gone. 

Deleting a Workspace 🗑

Once all members in a Workspace are deleted in accordance with the above section of this page, you can delete your workspace including all videos and data contained in the workspace, depending on which version you have as follows:

Started Free plan customers:

  • Follow the instructions here to initiate your account deletion.

Paid customer with active subscriptions

  • Follow the instructions here to initiate your account deletion. As you have already paid for your Loom subscription, we will schedule your deletion when your subscription ends. 
  • Or cancel your plan first, then follow the instructions here to initiate your account deletion immediately. 


Questions, comments, concerns? Contact us here.

Happy Recording! 🎥 😄

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