How to manage the permissions and privacy of your videos

Set your permissions just the way you want them. 👍

You can manage your videos' permissions and privacy using the Share button above each video.

Here's how to configure these settings:

  1. Click the Share button above your video.Screen_Shot_2022-11-04_at_3_46_14_PM.png

  2.  Click on the dropdown menu under Link Settings and then click More options.

  3. Here you can configure your link settings as you'd like, including password protection.
    CleanShot 2024-09-19 at 12.03.36.gif

Can I provide edit access to members in my workspace?

Yes! To do this, click the Share button above your video, then type in specific workspace members you would like to share it with and toggle on the 'Can edit' option. Alternatively, you can share your video to a space and provide all members with editing access (as seen below).

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Note: You can only provide edit access to members within your workspace. 

Enterprise Admin default settings

If you're the Admin in an Enterprise Workspace, you can set default settings for everyone in your Workspace. All Workspace members have the option to override the default in individual videos and choose each video's privacy settings. These settings only apply to new videos, so the privacy settings of any existing videos will not be impacted.


Please Note

Admins of enterprise workspaces can modify privacy settings for other workspace members' videos. To action these changes, enterprise admins need to contact Loom's support team. 

 Questions, comments, concerns? Contact us here.   

Happy recording! 🎥 😄

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