How to add, remove and manage members in your Workspace

As a Workspace Admin, you are able to keep track of your team's subscriptions and permissions and allow easy access to add, remove, and edit team members from the Manage Workspace area.  

In the Workspace Members page, you can: 

How to View Members 

To easily manage and find workspace members, you can do the following:

  1. Search for members by name or email address. 
  2. Filter members by status (active, deactivated, and invited).
  3. Filter members by role based on your plan. 
  4. Download Membership CSV at the top right-hand corner of the Membership page. This CSV file will provide you with the following Membership information: name, role, date added, email address, and status. 

How to change members' roles

⚠️ Only Workspace Admins have access to change the workspace member roles.

⚠️ If you signed up to Loom from then you can manage roles following steps here.

    1. Select the checkbox next to your team member's name to reveal the editing panel.
    2. Then use the drop-down under Change Role to toggle between Admin, Creator, Creator Lite, or Viewer (the role options will vary depending on what plan you are on). 
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👉 Note: if you downgraded a creator or admin, they retain Creator or admin access for the remainder of the billing cycle. 

Deactivate or Permanently Delete a member 

⚠️ Only Workspace Admins have access to deactivate and delete workspace member roles.


  1. Select the checkbox next to your team member's name to reveal the editing panel. You can also remove multiple accounts at once by bulk-selecting the relevant accounts. 
  2. Then select Deactivate. This will mean they no longer have access to your Workspace.

Reactivate or Permanently delete an account

If you deactivate a user, you do have the option to reactivate their account or permanently remove the account, if you wish. Here is how:

👉Note: To Permanently delete an account you must first deactivate the account. 

  1. In your Workspace Members page filter to Deactivated. CleanShot 2023-08-01 at 16.23.35@2x.png
  2. Then check off which account you want to activate or remove. 
  3. From here you can choose which action you want to take. ⚠️ Please note if you choose to Permanently delete a workspace member's profile, the videos from the account being deleted may be permanently deleted. More information can be found here.

How to send and manage invites 

⚠️ Creators and Creator Lites can invite other Creator Lites to the Workspace, in addition to Admins. 

📬 Invite via Email 

You can invite individual team members to join your workspace or bulk invite team members by pasting their email addresses all at once. Here's how to invite members:

  1. From your Manage Workspace Members page, select Invite Members in the top right.
  2. Add your team member's email address, select their role from the drop-down, and hit invite. 
  3. An invite will be sent to their email address. 
  4. Once the invite is accepted, new members will have full access to view your workspace and, if they're Creators or Creator Lites, will be able to contribute videos to your collaborative library. 

Resend or remove invites

To check if your team member has accepted your invite, filter to Invited at the top of the page, you'll see Invited if they've yet to accept. 

To Resend or remove an invite check the account you wish to make a change to and you should see an option to edit the invitation. 
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Send a Password Rest 

If you are an Admin, you can send a password reset for any member of your workspace. Here's how:

  1. Visit the Workspace Members page and select the checkbox next to your team members' names to reveal the editing panel.
  2. Then select Send password reset. Thats it! ✨



Questions, comments, concerns? Contact us here.   

Happy recording! 🎥 😄 

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