Make sure your text displays the right way around in your webcam recordings. 🤲
This means text on your whiteboard, book, or backdrop is readable and not mirrored in your Loom video.
Here's how to flip your camera:
- Open the recording menu, and click on the three little dots in the upper corner to open your menu.
- Click on Settings and navigate to the Video & Audio tab.
- Toggle on or off the Flip camera option for your desired effect.
💡 For text to appear the correct way around, ensure Flip Camera is toggled off.
- Open the Loom Chrome Extension, and click on the three little dots in the upper corner to open your menu.
- Check or uncheck the Flip Camera option for your desired effect.
💡 For text to appear the correct way around on camera, ensure Flip Camera is unchecked.
⚠️ Please note
It is not possible to flip your recording after you've recorded, so make sure you enable the flip camera option prior to recording your video.
The iOS mobile app does not have a flip option for the front-facing camera, but if you use the rear-facing camera, your text will record properly.
This video will also walk you through these steps:
Questions, comments, concerns? Contact us here.
Happy recording! 🎥😄