How to edit your video settings: disable comments, emoji reactions, downloads and more

Customize how people see and interact with your video. 💡

You can customize how your viewer sees your recording from your video settings by enabling/disabling the below features.

How to edit your video settings:

You can apply video settings for an individual video or apply default video settings. See how below. 👇

Apply individual video settings Apply default video settings

Here's how to edit individual video settings:

    1. From your Library, open the video you wish to edit settings for. 
    2. Navigate to the Settings tab from your video's right-hand side panel.
    3. From here, you can bounce between the Enhancement and the Audience tab based on the settings you are looking to edit.
    4. You can toggle each option on or off based on your preference.
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Video settings you can configure

Video Setting: Enhancements

Under the Enhancement tab in your video setting, you can customize and enhance your video by enabling or disabling the following:

  • Video thumbnail (Business & Enterprise plans only): control how your viewers preview your video by adding a custom video thumbnail.
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  • Background noise filter: remove all the unwanted noise so your viewers can focus on what matters.
  • Loom branded player: choose if you want to prompt viewers to sign in or sign up.
  • Animate thumbnail (GIF): Choose your video to display with an animated GIF preview. Screen_Shot_2020-10-02_at_3.52.45_PM.pngOct-02-2020_15-50-17.gif

Video Settings: Audience 

Under the Audience tab in your video setting, you can control how your viewers interact with your video by enabling the following settings:

  • Recommended Playback Speed: Choose what speed you want your viewer to watch your video at. Note that viewers can change the playback speed if they wish. 886524E3-F5B5-4ABF-B278-AE2B6AD8A787.png
  • Comments and email notifications: Choose if you'd like the comment field to display below your video. Once toggled off, your recipient cannot reply directly to the video page. You can also choose if you would like to be emailed for new video comments. 
  • Record a Reply (not available on Education Plans): allow your viewers to comment with a Loom.
  • Emoji reactions: choose to allow your viewer to add their real-time reactions while watching your video. Once disabled, this will hide all past emoji reactions. 
    ⚠️ Loom video player will display the 50 most recent reactions. You can view all reactions in the "Views" tab section of your video.
  • Show video analytics to the viewer: Choose if you'd like your viewer to see how often the video has been viewed.
  • Download (Business, Business+ AI & Enterprise plans only): If you have a paid Loom role, you can choose if other viewers on a paid role can download your video.
  • Stitch (Business, Business+ AI & Enterprise plans only): Choose if other viewers can stitch your video with other videos.
  • Transcripts: Choose if your viewers can see your transcript.


Questions, comments, concerns? Contact us here.

Happy recording! 🎥 😄

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